Manual of Natural Acupuncture
The surprising results obtained in clinical acupuncture over 47 years, during which they were treated almost four million patients in Sri Lanka, under the guidance of the late Dr. Anton Jayasuriya, are the basis of this work, reference initiated and professionals in the field. Its author, Professor David Lujan, worked side by side with the great teacher who was Jayasuriya to, gradually, be developing his own method, which he called Natural acupuncture.
– Rename points: to facilitate the work of professionals have renamed all the acupuncture points based on each specific physiological and psychological role.
– Pulse taking: it comes with depth and details the art of diagnosis through the pulse.
-Diagnosis and treatment through respiration: breath analysis and its relation to each internal organ that helps tremendously in the diagnosis and treatment consultation is offered
– Atlas of location: the book is also an atlas to locate points, which also tells you how you have to treat every point needle to sedate or Tonify car (momentum, direction, action, manipulation).
– Handbook: provides a large number of general and specific treatments for individual imbalances.
– Other developments: the precise use of the treatment of the pericardium, re-education of the subconscious behavior through the extraordinary vessels, and the so-called treatment, removal of a trauma.
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